125 Years - National Academy of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria

I showcase my design proposal's comprehensive development process, executed in preparation for the esteemed Postmark & Stamp competition held in September 2021. The competition was organized in celebration of the 125th anniversary of the National Academy of Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Software: Blender 3D, Cycles, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effect

Briefly about the National Academy of Art, located in Sofia, Bulgaria

The State Drawing School was opened on 14 October 1896 by Decree signed by Knyaz Ferdinand. This Act made legitimate the oldest institution for higher education in Bulgaria. The archive documents for the setting up of the present Academy reveal the names of outstanding public figures, artists Anton Mitov, Ivan Markvichka and Boris Shats and men of letters Konstantin Velichkov and Ivan Shishmanov.
In 1911 the teaching staff submitted a plan for development to the Ministry of Education in which they also put forward their request the School to be renamed to Academy of Art. Ten years later in 1921 following a proposal by Stoyan Omarchevski, Minister of Education, the State Drawing School was renamed to Academy of Art.

Today the former Drawing School is called National Academy of Art, which till this very day is still considered to be the most prestigious Bulgarian institution for training professional artists in the field of fine and applied arts, design, conservation and restoration and history and theory of art (in BA, MA and DA degrees).

Project Idea. Stamp Competition.

The revival of the spirit of the National Art Academy, through its architectural richness containing history and uniqueness for its time and today. A house of geniuses, a workshop for talents, through all these years, it has preserved the excitement of its pioneers, students, and our teachers.

The Academy survives independently of the type and spirit of the time in which it exists. The National Art Academy develops independently of everything, entering the future of the new time, and smoothly adapting to new technologies, using fundamental artistic principles.

Through a 3D program, I recreated the architecture of our Art Academy in Sofia. Every polygon and pixel is the result of Author’s contemplation and imprint. Since I have previous experience with print graphics, I use digital techniques to stylistically recreate deep printing. I change the 3D image into a print image, containing the spirit of elegant and flowing artistic creation.

This is a project that encompasses the main directions in the Fine Arts Academy, from drawing and painting to graphic techniques and sculpting, to applied arts and design, and 3D modeling. The project aims to pay tribute and express gratitude to all those who have contributed and continue to contribute to the existence and success of the Academy. The project seeks to support and encourage the creative spirit of new authors and generations by creating a suitable environment for their future development.

Old photos of showing the National Academy of Art in downtown Sofia, some of the first classes and professors.
Photo credits to National Academy of Art, Sofia. Bulgaria

125 Years – National Academy of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria

ClientNational Academy of ArtsAgencyBulgarian PostsServicesBranding, Post Mark, Stamp, CompetitionYear2022Linknha.bgRoleArtist, Creator, Designer

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